Veins & Wounds and its treatment...


Dangerous pathogens on the skin. Inflammation of a erysipelas can threaten life. It looks like a severe sunburn and also has similar symptoms. The "erysipelas", an inflammation of the skin, can have protracted consequences for the health of those affected. If it is not recognized and treated, its effects are life-threatening.

The erysipelas look like a severe sunburn and can have serious health consequences. The erysipelas are a bacterial inflammation of the skin that is not contagious. People with a weakened immune system, such as the elderly or diabetics, are particularly at risk. However, the disease can also occur in seemingly healthy people of all ages.

Wound rose must be recognised in good time and treated with patience for weeks. With suitable therapy, it usually heals without consequences. If left untreated, however, it can be life-threatening.

Attack of the bacteria. The most common erysipelas pathogen belongs to the group of streptococci. However, other bacteria such as staphylococci can also cause the disease. The bacteria are found on the skin and mucous membrane of many people without causing any discomfort, as they are normally unable to overcome the skin barrier. The pathogens can be identified with a blood test.

Pathogens multiply in lymphatic vessels. However, even an inconspicuous skin injury or an existing skin infection such as athlete's foot can cause the bacteria to penetrate the skin. This is usually not a problem for a healthy immune system. However, if the immune system is weakened, the germs can multiply and spread in the fine network of lymphatic vessels.

In the vernacular, the extensive reddening of the skin that spreads to the body after an injury to the hand or foot is sometimes referred to as "blood poisoning". However, this name is wrong because the bacteria are located in the lymph vessels of the skin. As a complication of the disease, however, they can enter the bloodstream, where they can cause a real blood poisoning, a sepsis.

wound-roseRed skin and swollen legs. Usually accompanied by fever, pain, swollen lymph nodes and a clear feeling of illness, swelling and reddening of the affected skin area occurs. The flame-like runners resemble a sunburn. Those affected often complain of chills. The swellings and redness can spread strongly within hours or a few days. Cooling compresses alleviate the pain of a rose wound.

The clinical diagnosis is based on the symptoms. In case of doubt, a bacteriological examination of a wound swab will clarify which germ is involved. A blood culture is used to check whether bacteria can also be detected in the affected person's blood. This may indicate a complication of the erysipelas, sepsis.

Causal research important. If the doctor detects an erysipelas, the patient is usually admitted to hospital for further treatment. The patient must first rest in bed. The cause of the skin injury, through which the bacteria penetrated, must be found and treated.

If necessary, the affected body part is immobilised in a splint, cooled and elevated. In this way, the pain can be alleviated and a lymph congestion can be prevented. At the same time, an antibiotic, usually penicillin, is administered via the vein for at least one week. The antibiotic can then be taken in tablet form.

Further information / wound healing today from


Leg ulcer

Ulcus cruris venosum - a venous disease
With 57 - 80% of all chronic venous ulcerations, venous leg ulcers are the most frequent cause of wounds that do not heal spontaneously. It develops as a result of chronic venous insufficiency due to prolonged high blood pressure and is the most severe stage of chronic venous disease. This affects 0.7% of the adult population.

Definition of the clinical picture

Ulcus cruris venosum is a substance defect or even tissue loss of the skin that usually occurs on the lower leg in the area of the inner ankles. The cause of venous leg ulcer is a long-term pressure overload of the venous system in the area of the lower extremities. This is caused by a weakness of the deep as well as the superficial venous system.

About 60 - 80% of all ulcers are of venous origin, about 20% are of purely arterial origin. About 10% of all leg ulcers are caused by a mixed arterial-venous circulatory disorder.

ulcus cruris

Development of venous insufficiency

The veins alone are not able to pump the blood back from the legs to the heart independently against gravity. This is done by the so-called calf muscle pump.

Each time the muscles are tensed, the veins of the lower leg are squeezed out and the blood contained in them is pumped towards the heart. The venous valves of these vessels, which work in a similar way to retention valves, prevent blood from flowing back into the veins of healthy people due to gravity. In venous insufficiency (venous insufficiency), however, the venous valves do not close or close incompletely. As a result, the blood "sinks" when the calf muscles in the feet and lower legs relax, leading to a venous congestion syndrome.

Causes of venous insufficiency (venous insufficiency) may be

aging process
Occupational stress due to standing or sitting activities

Symptoms for Ulcus cruris

swollen ankle and leg
Skin discoloration at and above the ankle joint
Open, weeping wound

tissue destruction due to circulatory disturbance

If the venous valves no longer close properly, the pressure in the venous system of the legs initially increases. In addition, the venous system is not able to reduce pressure by "pumping" blood by activating the calf muscles (e.g. when walking). This condition is called ambulatory venous hypertension. As a result, the nutritional situation of the surrounding tissue is disturbed, which can lead to chronic inflammation with possible tissue destruction. The ulcus cruris (open leg) is the final stage of this process.

So that the ulcer does not occur in the first place ...
The development of a venous leg ulcer can be prevented by a timely compression treatment already at the beginning of a venous disease.

Ulcus cruris venosum - A topic that needs to be treated. Medical compression therapy has established itself as one of the most important, non-invasive measures for the treatment of venous leg ulcer. This reduces the venous congestion syndrome and thus the main cause of the disease.

Compression therapy is a form of treatment whose success has undoubtedly been clinically proven. It is able to accelerate the venous return flow and reduce or even completely eliminate the pressure load on the venous system.

The oldest form of treatment for venous leg ulcer is a compression bandage with short-stretch bandages, which, however, has certain disadvantages.

Prof. M. Jünger wrote in an expert opinion: "According to experience from medical practice, the bandage loosens and slips after a few hours.The bandage then no longer has a compressing effect. The contact pressure is significantly reduced over a period of 8 hours". Today, therefore, modern compression stocking systems are increasingly being used successfully in medical practice.

University of Greifswald

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